Unit 28: Web Production

  Task  1

What is Fast Cargo?

    Fast Cargo is a company which transports some needs or requirements for companies in the UK. The company usually transport goods from the UK to Pakistan or opposite. Fast Cargo is popular because they are reliable, flexible and cost effective in use.

      This shows how the websites work.

Internet Diagram.jpg

   At the beginning we see information on a screen. We can interact with the information by updating or sending it to other users. However, the information need to pass few stages before it will reach its destination.  First stage is Firewall. Firewall is checking for any viruses which can damage the entire system of internet. If there is no any viruses the Firewall allows the information to go to next stage.

   Second stage is application server. A role of application sever is to merge the web application and server together. Web application is everything what we can see on a screen. For example, shops, discounts and other facilities in internet. A server allows to handle many operations with one program or device at the same time. As we can see on the diagram, after the second stage the process of the information splits on few ways. On of the ways is replication server. It is copying the information and saving it in a database. The database calls “Database Replication”.

   The final stage is Active directory server. This server gives access to people which can sign in a website. The people need to have our specific login and password to secure and have special place only for their information. Also the server gives possibility to share the information between of certain people.


  • Home Network
  • Internet Service Provider
  • Web Hosting Services
  • Domain Name Registrars
  • World Wide Web

Home Network.

   Firstly, what is Home Network? Home Network is a system which connects to every single smart devices in a house/flat. Home Network made to share information between the devices more faster, easily and wireless . However the Network is not made for long rage distance. It is more easy to use for reason of less cables between the device. Rather than using, anyone can spent few hours to tune all the system. It will be more effective in future because people can forget problem with no available USB ports in PC or other devices. 

   Secondly, the Network can connect to as many devices as we want. As I said before wire connection is limited because the devices need to have inputs/outputs to connect to each other. Any devices in these days have function to connect to internet. It can be added to the network to transport information with other gadgets.

   The Website need a good Home Network to transfer data/information more faster. The faster network is the better website performance is. The Network is connection between website and the whole internet system. 

   To install the Home Network at home the company need to have a router. The router is a device which transfer information from computers to internet. The device takes information and transferring it by short and safe way.

Internet Service Provider

   Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organisation which gives an access to internet for business. ISP company gives to business passwords, logins and access phone number.    Security need for website to protect users of the website and information. The users and information can be protected if everyone has specific username and password. It will make the users feel safer because the information can be access to the owner of the information and the website. ISP provides a direct connection between a company and internet. In these days businesses can’t work without network connection which gives to ISP a lot of opportunities to improve their network system. However, ISP connected to Network Access Points (NAP). Good ISP can’t work good without good NAP. The example of service providers is BT, Tesco, EE and etc.

   Security need for website to protect users of the website and information. The users and information can be protected if everyone has specific username and password. It will make the users feel safer because the information can be access to the owner of the information and the website.

Web Hosting Service

   Web Hosting Service makes a company’s website to be visible for internet users. It creates a space on it’s service which reserved or owned especially for the company. This makes website accessible for others computers.  W. H. is responsible for transferring data between the company and the users. If there is no W. H. it suggests that the users won’t be able to find and work with the website because there is no information flow between the website and internet.

   Fast Cargo has its own website. However, the website gives to user a lot of other companies which can transport anything you want between countries or even continents. FastCargo.com is easy to use because they are researching other similar websites which are doing the same job as they.

Domain Name Registrars

   Domain Name Registrars is an organisation which gives a name to a website like .com, .org, .net and there is more. The organisation checks if the name is available and if it is they give a link for it. For example, if a company wants to get a name like example.com and, unfortunately, there is already existed website with the same name the organisation can give you the same name but with different endings like .org or .net. There is a lot of Registrants. Differences between them can be price, length of contract or level of service. 

   Users can own Fast Cargo by investing money in it or provide transport for them. This will give you part of the company to increase an user’s possessions.

World Wide Web

   WWW is a system which allows to documents join other documents by hypertext links. This allows to explore internet for anyone who has access to it. In WWW documents are moving and never stay on one position. This makes researching more easy.

Task 2

   To provide a good website for users the Fast Cargo should have good connection with internet and a huge amount of memory on their system.

   Firstly, to make the website more comfortable for the users it should have a big web server capacity. The Web Server Capacity is a program which makes web pages and shows it to the users. It allows to the website to response on the user’s requests and give more chances to find something similar. The FastCargo.com shows a lot of information about what they do and other companies which do the same job. FastCargo.com it more looks like a host for other companies which transfer goods.


Server side factors that influence performance a website

   BandWidth is an availability of information flows between the website and users in one seconds. The more capacity it has the more functionality it can offer. The functionality can effect on amount of users at short period of time. If the capacity is low it will cause website’s freezers.

    Executions to be performed before page loadis a script of pre-loading information such as videos, images and links behind the front page. This can permit for customers changing the design of the website or continue discovering the website from that point the user finished it.

   Number of Hits  the hits in web language mean visitors. Website developers can include software right in the website to track how many hits ( visitors ) have visited the website. Every hits is unique visitor which has never see the website before. One user can get only one number of hit. It suggests that FastCargo.com can track the number of people who have checked their website. 

   Type FilesDifferent type of files require different amount of website’s storage. This allows to developers optimise the website for better users’ experience. If the website will be optimised then it will pre load faster. Also, this gives opportunities for website’s developers to present images, videos, links and etc. The users will see a lot of information about Fast Cargo with the files.

User Side factors that influence the performance of a website.

   Download speed it is amount of information which user can download per second. The speed is depends on ISP (Internet Server Provider). As faster the ISP provide internet as more amount of information can be downloaded from internet. If the website has a lot of different types of information then it will load more longer. 

   PC performance (browser, cache memory, and processor speed)How powerful is user’s PC? Obviously, if the user’s PC has a huge amount of memory and powerful processor which can do many processes at the same time then it will be easy and faster to discover internet. Browser is a software which uses WWW (World Wide Web). The browsers can be different because of the coding language they use. Processor Speed is how many processes can do at the same time. PC is doing many things at the same time but it is on background which is hidden from user. For example, If the user discovering internet and watching movie at a second screen it might take more time to load pages. Cache Memory is when browser making a copy of some websites or pages to load it more faster next time. If the Cache memory is almost full, the PC needs to delete some information to download new one. The website which user using often loading more faster than other websites. 

Task 3

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a second generation of WWW. It allowed websites to be more interactive with users. In these days the users can easily share information between each other. The Web 2.0 made the websites more easier to update and edit. New generation of WWW opened a lot of new features for websites. The Web 1.0 used static HTML and the Web 2.0 uses dynamic HTML. The static HTML means that it can’t be changed. That Websites which made on Web 1.0 are difficult to update and change the design. The dynamic HTML means changing and lively. The example of websites which made on Web 2.0 is Facebook, Wiki, Instagram, Youtube and etc. This clearly shows that on these website we can share our information with friends or subscribers. The Web 2.0 gives a lot of opportunities for website’s developers and users.

Online Applications

   Online application allows users to use a program online rather than download it and installing on a computer. For example, Google docs is an online application. The users can keep their information there by using browsers only. These online applications helping to the people by saving space on their Pc/laptop’s storage. Advantages of using these applications are saving storage, accessible from anywhere if there is internet, easy to update, easy to share the information with someone and there is more.

Website as software

   Internet has some kind of websites which can work as a software. For example, there is website which can ran a game and share it with a live stream. The user can control the game. This shows that people don’t need powerful computers to play in games. An organisation can have many powerful computer and stream live for user which will control the game. The organisation will take money for this. It suggests that the website can be software sometime by sharing information with internet.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is processes and computers which store users’ information inside servers which always connect with internet. Rather than use storage on users’ pc/laptops it might be stored in servers which has less chance to lose the information. The servers has less chance to lose the information because they make copies and store the copies in different machines. The cloud computing became available for everyone after the web 2.0 was created.

Task 4

TCP and IP protocols are rules which help to information reach a right place. TCP protocol is Transmission Control Protocols which responsible for checking for any errors in the information. Also, TCP is responsible for security and order of the information. These rules make transferring information more easier and secure. IP is Internet Protocol.  IP is changing data and information to datagrams. The data can be shared and transport to another user or computer when it turned into a datagrams. IP protocol make sure that the information in a right form before they will transfer the information. These protocols allowed to users share the information between each other.

Application Layer

   Application Layer is used to make browser’s interface easy to interact with.
The users can discover internet with understandable interface which is hiding all protocols which run behind it. The Application Layer makes sure that a file is in correct format. It uses a lot more protocols behind itself. For example the most important ones are :  FTP, HTTP, POP3 and SMTP. HTTP. WWW is using application layer to understand where the information need to go when user inputs data in URL. The user opens browser and Application Layer starts to work. Then the user inputs anything in the google and other protocols start to work. They change the information into a correct datagrams and sending it to right computer. If the user using google it will go to google’s sever/computer in specific format. The Information will be more safer because it will be encrypted.

Transport Layer

   While the application layer makes sure that the information is in the right format, the transport layer will brake down the pocket into more smaller ones. Also, the transport layer will gain information from internet layer.  If there is going to be any mistakes, for example, the receiver didn’t get the information, it will give a signal to the sender. Imagine this situation when the users sharing texts between each other and there is no internet connection. The user which send the information will see some kind of signal that another user didn’t receive it. The transport layer uses TCP protocols. (Transport Control Protocols) Furthermore, transport gains signal from the application layer and placing the information into a pockets. This makes transporting information faster and more harder to lose because it doesn’t take a lot of space.

Internet Layer

   The internet layer is some kind of postcode. It is finding the receiver’s IP address and putting on each pockets the destination which they need to reach . The router is choosing different way for different pocket. It is makes the information safer because some of the pockets might have problem with passing by countries. After the IP address is found an the router chose a way, the pockets can go to the next layer. The next layer is a data link layer.

Data Link Layer.

   Data links layer makes sure that the information package has been delivered to the right IP address. If the package didn’t reach the final point. The user will see a signal which will show him that there was a problem. For example, if there is no connection to a device, it means that the package won’t find a delivery address and it wont be sent. In underground is no connection and if users will try to sent a message the application will show him a red circle. The red circle will mean that his friend didn’t receive it.